If 1- and 2-bedroom apartments for rent in Nairobi are something you are looking for, we have
great factors for you to consider and available options to explore.
Nairobi today has a wide variety of apartments to rent from. This means some of these
apartments come with ensuite options.
Apartments with Ensuite bedrooms offer privacy, creating a personal relaxing feel within your
home. This means you get to enjoy peaceful days while shielded from encounters with guests
or family members.
Another element offered in Nairobi is the option of renting a furnished or unfurnished
apartment. Often, a furnished apartment comes with furniture such as couches, a TV stand, a
Coffee Table, and beds. Additionally, they have home appliances such as a fridge, Cooker or
Oven and a microwave. This can ease out relocating stress especially if you are looking to save
some money.
However, in case you want to make your home to be a creative canvas, the unfurnished
apartment is the option. This way you can design your home however you wish and have fun
while at it.
At Alif, we offer these two options. We have available 1- and 2-bedroom Skyway apartments in
Parklands for rent with an option of furnished or unfurnished. The price for the 1 bedroom is
Ksh 60,000 for the unfurnished option while the furnished option is Ksh 100,000. The 2-
bedroom apartment is Ksh 100,000 for the unfurnished option and Ksh 150,000 for the
furnished option.
This is accompanied by a great set of amenities such as a Spa Sauna, Furnished Gym, Rooftop
terrace and so much more. There is also the assurance of daily utilities such as Garbage
providence, Water Providence, and Property cleaning.
The size for the 1- and 2-bedroom apartments for rent is good where the 1 bedroom is 46.2
sqm while the 2-bed plus dsq is 106 sqm. However, if renting the homes is not something you
are looking to do, you can always buy and own these properties. Feel free to contact us for
more details.